Step outside the echo chamber

The chrome extension that changes the way you think about politics

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As Featured In

Take control of what you read

Take control of what you read

Our Chrome web extension analyzes the news articles you read and flags the biases in those articles for you. Our intuitive dashboard and graphical analytics empower you to develop independent, unbiased opinions.

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See the whole picture

Using the latest machine learning models, we continuously curate reputable news articles for you that contain new viewpoints on the topics you like to read about.

These are meant to be articles that you may not have read under other circumstances, but offer differing opinions that can broaden your existing perspectives.

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See the whole picture

Our Team

Alex Cui
I'm an undergraduate student at the California Institute of Technology with a passion in machine learning and political discourse. I'm a full stack developer and data scientist, hoping to create more dialogue between both sides of the aisle.
Jeff An
I’m a University of Waterloo student pursuing a double degree in CS and business. I have two years of industry experience in full stack development and data engineering. On the side, I am also involved in social entrepreneurship, music, and hackathons.
Michael Lopez-Brau
I'm a PhD student at Yale University studying at the intersection of cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence. I combine behavioral experiments with computational modeling to understand how people make rich, flexible inferences as they navigate the social world.
Stefan Uddenberg
I’m a Trinidadian PhD Candidate in Cognitive Psychology at Yale University, studying visual perception and memory. Before coming to Yale, I went to Dartmouth College, where I majored in Cognitive Science and Japanese Studies. Outside of research, I try to combat the proliferation of fake news with simple psychological interventions.
Alain Luo
I'm a Computer Engineering student at the University of Waterloo interested in building technology to connect the world. I love to learn and am always looking for new applications of cool tech. In my spare time, I enjoy playing music, exercising, and hacking.
Jack Xu
I study Computer Science and Electrical & Computer Engineering at Duke University. Some of my hobbies include violin, solving Rubik's cubes, and competitive programming. I am a North American Finalist in the International Collegiate Programming Contest.

What's next for Open Mind

The Open Mind team is partnering with the Poynter Fellowship and Facebook to consider how technology can best be used to combat fake news, and reduce political polarization. Ultimately, we want to help citizens on both sides of the aisle to talk to each other again.

What's next for Open Mind

Contact us

Be the first to try our open beta, and learn more about our research. We respond to partnership and media inquiries as soon as we can, typically within 24 hours.